The will of David Bowie was filed in Manhattan Surrogate Court on Friday. The will left $1 million of his reported $100 million estate to the former nanny of his son, $2 million to his long time personal assistant, 25% of his estate to his 44 year old son, 25% in trust to his 15 year old daughter, and the balance to his wife, Iman.
Three points of minimal importance:
1. I was initially surprised that his estate is being administered in NY rather than in England. By residing in NY, the estate tax benefit for his estate is $2 million while the NY income tax rates were also in his favor for years.
2. Leave it to Bowie to do as he sees fit until the end whether residing where he wants regardless of lower taxation elsewhere, using his death as art, or bending gender and other rules during his career.
3. I like this plan – everyone receives enough to make her comfortable for the rest of her life even if Iman’s best modeling days are behind her.
Photo Credit: Masayoshi Sukita