Janice and I dropped Jack at Ohio State on Saturday, closing the “married with children at home” chapter of our lives. He did not take the super hero lunch box.
Janice and I dropped Jack at Ohio State on Saturday, closing the “married with children at home” chapter of our lives. He did not take the super hero lunch box.
Back from a father/son ski trip and somewhat back from the February blahs. New post to follow soon.
Jack won the open race at yesterday’s Lebanon Cross Country Invitational. When he learned he would be running the open race, he softly mentioned that he could win it. His plan was to be near the front and then take the lead – which he did at the 1.5 mile mark. As proud as I am of him, I am even happier for him.
Just back from some college tours with Jack. South Carolina, Clemson and Tennessee specifically. Post about a podcast I listened to to follow shortly.
My friend, and mentor, Bill Keating, Jr. died earlier today. As a graduate of St. Xavier High School he truly exemplified the school’s motto of “men for others.”
Bill was not only a Hall of Fame swimmer at UC and St. X, but also a champion of women’s athletics and athletics for the disabled. I had heard, but forgotten, that when he was a senior swimmer at the University of Cincinnati that he gave his scholarship back so that someone else could benefit from it. I did not know that he donated his first paycheck as a lawyer to UC as gratitude for the education he received and the friendships he made. I do know that when I told him that Jack was applying to St. X, he immediately offered to write a letter of recommendation for him.
His “Thoughts of the Day” which were intended as a means of staying in touch with his son when he left for college were eventually distributed to thousands of people every day and then forwarded from there. My children were recipients of the forwarded advice hundreds of times.
I suspect that I will read tomorrow’s final Thought of the Day with a bit of moistness in my eyes. The City of Cincinnati, and I, will definitely miss him.